New bill on smoking and selling tobacco in the UAE approved

In early February, the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates approved a federal bill banning the sale of tobacco products to persons under the age of 18.

The draft new law, approved in the UAE, also provides for a ban on smoking while driving a vehicle with children under 12 years old. Violation of the law will be punished by both imprisonment for a fixed term and fines of up to one million dirhams. Tobacco and tobacco products will also be banned. However, tobacco producers will be given the time specified by the Ministry of Health and included in the accompanying law to close production. Council members determined that farmers who grow tobacco should be given about two years to close production.

The UAE Minister of Health noted that the closure of this multi-million dollar business will negatively impact workers involved in tobacco production. A decision on this issue will be made shortly. According to the local press, there are a number of other provisions reflected in the bill: sellers of tobacco products will have the right to demand the presentation of a document certifying the age of the buyer. The sale of tobacco and tobacco products will be prohibited in cafes located in residential buildings and their surroundings, the radius of which will be determined by law. The bill will also determine the point of sale of tobacco and tobacco products, and the working hours of points of sale.

Cafes operating in residential buildings must bring their work profile in line with the new law within two years from the date the law comes into force. The owners of the cafe will either have to introduce changes in their activities, or remove their institutions from residential buildings. Violators will be punished by imprisonment of at least one year and fines of between 100,000 and 1 million dirhams (from US $ 27,000 to 270,000).

Authorities will destroy the confiscated tobacco or invite importers to dispose of the supply at their own expense. In case of violation of this paragraph of the law, importers will be fined between 50,000 and 200,000 dirhams (from US $ 13,700 to 54,700).

Watch the video: What Happens When You Stop Smoking? (July 2024).