Russian and UAE Foreign Ministers to Meet in Moscow

The foreign ministers of Russia and the UAE will discuss topical issues of traditionally friendly Russian-Emirate relations.

Today, June 26, 2019, the Russian Foreign Ministry will hold talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the UAE, Abdullah Ben Zayed Al Nahyan.

During the upcoming talks, the foreign ministers of the two countries will discuss in detail the pressing issues of traditionally friendly Russian-Emirate relations. Considerable attention will be paid to the implementation of the agreements reached earlier at the highest level. Among them - the Declaration on Strategic Partnership, which the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi M. Al Nahyan signed in Moscow on June 1, 2018.

Also, a significant place in the upcoming Russian-Emirate talks will be given to an exchange of views on the current Middle East agenda, including the situation in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, the Persian Gulf zone and the Palestinian-Israeli settlement.

Moscow and Abu Dhabi jointly advocate for the settlement of crises and conflicts in the region by political methods, on the basis of a broad national dialogue, in strict accordance with international law and the UN Charter. Both countries are also supporters of a decisive fight against terrorism and extremist ideology, and call for the consolidation of the corresponding efforts of the entire world community.

The leaders of Russia and the UAE maintain regular and trusting contacts. June 10 this year their next telephone conversation took place, during which a number of important topics on the bilateral and regional agenda of mutual interest were raised.

An intensive dialogue is also being carried out through foreign affairs agencies. Sergey Lavrov traveled to the UAE as part of a working trip to the Gulf countries in March of this year. He was received by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi M. Al Nahyan and held talks with his Emirate colleague Abdullah Ben Zayed.

Over the past few years, there has been a consistent increase in bilateral trade with the UAE. In 2018, it increased by 3.6% and amounted to $ 1.6 billion. A significant contribution to the development of business ties is made by the Russian-Emirate Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic and Technical Cooperation, which is co-chaired by Minister of Industry and Trade D.V. Manturov.

In Russia, they are satisfied with the current level of interaction between the Russian Direct Investment Fund and the emirate sovereign fund Mubadala.

An important component of Russian-Emirate relations is cultural and humanitarian contacts. The UAE has become a favorite vacation spot for many Russians. Frequent guests in the Emirates are artists and creative groups from Russia, whose concerts enjoy the same success with the local public.

The growth of business and tourist flows was facilitated by the entry into force on February 17 of the current year of the intergovernmental agreement on mutual cancellation of visa requirements for citizens of Russia and the UAE. The United Arab Emirates is the first country on the Arabian Peninsula with which we went on a visa-free travel regime.

In addition to consultations with S.V. Lavrov in Moscow, A. Al Nakhayan is scheduled to have talks with representatives of a number of other interested departments and organizations.

Watch the video: China, Russia and India Foreign Ministers meet (July 2024).