Dubai has the best reputation among cities in the Middle East

Dubai has the best reputation and is recognized as the most authoritative city in the Middle East, Abu Dhabi takes the second place on a regional scale. These are data from a study by the international consulting company Reputation Institute in 2013.

The 2013 City RepTrak ranking includes 100 cities around the world, ranked by their reputation. It shows which cities are the most attractive for visiting, living, working, investing and shopping. The rating is based on an international survey of public opinion, which is attended by over 22,000 people representing the G8 countries - Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK and the United States. In each country, several thousand interviews are conducted among people aged 18 years and older, thus showing the external perception of the 100 most famous cities in the world.

This year, the city with the best reputation in the world became the Australian Sydney. Dubai takes 41st place in the general list, Abu Dhabi - 63rd. The rating includes two Russian cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg. The northern capital takes 58th place, losing one position to Las Vegas. Moscow is at the bottom of the list and takes 90th place, slightly ahead of Calcutta. Kiev took 73rd place, there are no other cities from the former USSR on the list. Closing the rating is Cairo, Nairobi, Karachi, Tehran and Baghdad.

Watch the video: Does Dubai have style? All in DXB (July 2024).