Famous holiday salad


Each of us, of course, knows the history of the famous Olivier salad - a regular on the New Year’s table of any Russian citizen and a traditional snack for “Soviet” champagne. For those who have forgotten a little, we recall: the victorious procession of this dish began in the 60s of the XIX century, when the French chef Lucien Olivier opened the Hermitage inn in the center of Moscow, on Trubnaya Square, where he presented his masterpiece to the venerable public.

Initially, the culinary delight was called "Game Mayonnaise" (by the way, the same Provencal mayonnaise is also the work of a French restaurateur). Fillets of grouse and partridge were boiled for him, cut, spread on a dish mixed with cubes of jelly from bird stock. Boiled cancerous necks and slices of the tongue, sprinkled with Provencal mayonnaise, were gracefully placed next to it. And in the center was a hill of potatoes with pickled gherkins, decorated with slices of steep eggs.

According to Olivier, the central "slide" was not intended for food, but only for beauty, as an element of decor. However, visitors to the tavern did not appreciate the idea: they already mixed salad on the table with a spoon, like porridge, and laid the mixture on plates. The next day, the Frenchman defiantly mixed all the components, abundantly watering them with mayonnaise. The success of the new dish was tremendous, as evidenced today.

We are sure that many of our compatriots will also not miss the opportunity to please themselves with their beloved Soviet food on New Year's holidays. Especially for residents of the Emirates, the already familiar Italian chef Enzo Neri offers his Olivier salad recipe, for which he recommends purchasing ingredients on the local market.


One of the key components is the calf tongue, which he personally cut off from the carcass at the market in Deira. The meat sliced ​​in thin, transparent slices, with a side dish of vegetables known to us, looks like an Italian carpaccio, given the peculiarity of serving. And thanks to low-calorie mayonnaise with mustard and easy to digest quail eggs instead of chicken from a festive feast, you will not have hard memories.

Instead of expensive beluga caviar from an old recipe, Enzo suggests decorating the salad with original balls of olive oil, which burst on your tongue so nicely!


To make a salad, you need 800 grams of fresh veal tongue cooked over low heat in vegetable broth for two to three hours, as well as:

  • 90 g thin veal tongue
  • 60 gr diced mortadella sausages
  • 50 g diced boiled potatoes
  • 30 gr pickled cucumbers
  • 50 gr quail eggs (boiled)
  • 50 gr diced carrots
  • 20 gr green peas
  • 30 gr black olives
  • 10 gr capers
  • 5 gr of olive oil (caviar)


  • 30 gr mayonnaise
  • 20 gr Dijon mustard
  • 10 grams of mustard
  • 2 grams of fresh dill
  • 5 grams of salt

... so let's get started!

Watch the video: "Christmas Tree" - Delicious Holiday Salad. (June 2024).