Everyone loves birthdays! Especially round dates or significant anniversaries. Then there are more gifts, and those invited are somehow more impressive or something ... Strictly speaking, if we turn to historical sources - from the Bible and annals of the Vatican to the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Dahl, then it’s considered a jubilee to celebrate or celebrate the fiftieth anniversary, and then the centenary, millennium and so on, that is, a date that is initially a multiple of fifty. Still, whatever you say, the ancients thought in larger categories! We modern people began to split round dates, first into decades, and then into 5 years ... just to find another reason for the holiday. And that's great! Today's rhythm of life does not allow us to freeze in the "expectation of a miracle" for as much as 50 units of time.

We all "hurry up and live in a hurry" ... Hence the suddenness of the triumph! Suddenly, unexpectedly, the anniversary figure - 50! Burst into the life of the editors of the Russian Emirates! To be honest, this is not the first one, since a few issues ago we celebrated the same "round" date of our guide to the UAE "Keys of the East". And yet! You are holding the 50th issue of our "fat and beautiful", glossy and, at the same time, very informative magazine (and let the competitors call it "greeted", it’s also nice for us!) We ourselves didn’t understand how we got to such a solemn moment! Our main (forgive me the rest of our publications for temporary "secondary") magazine "Russian Emirates" turned 50! Issues! And as many as 100 months of work without lunch breaks, a good night's sleep and "go to the cinema with friends" ... And how much is still ahead, can you imagine?

And you know that the first comes to mind? How even at the end of the twentieth century looked like anniversaries celebrating their 50th anniversary! Some sort of slightly blurry and already balding men in baggy jackets or brightly painted ladies with “whipped” hairstyles and in large, for some reason stone (amber or malachite) beads. ... It doesn’t matter whether they were nomenclature workers or employees of factories, factories, newspaper editors or city canteens. All seemed older than their age by a couple of dozen years and were considered already respectable old men, who left with one foot for a “well-deserved rest”. What is happening today? Earthlings sharply rejuvenated! Women in their 40s and 45s look 30, get married and give birth to healthy children, and men in their 50s are handsome, slender and fit, tanned and white-tootted handsome businessmen and company owners ... What a vacation! Even deserved. Rest only in our dreams! And that means 50 is just five times ten or ten times five, as you like best?

I personally like it better - 5: 0! Everything is simple - the “Russian Emirates” are still leading with an excellent score! And all this is only because for many years we have what and for whom to write. We are grateful to you, dear readers! For the fact that if you do not stay with us constantly, then at least always come back to us! Thank you very much for your constancy! Our editorial staff congratulates you on this anniversary and will be glad to meet with you on all future issues. Have a nice, clear, warm and cloudless summer! See you in September, when the bill will not be so "dry". In the meantime, “Russian Emirates” start and win - 5: 0! Hooray?

Watch the video: Россия 1-0 ОАЭ Russia vs United Arab Emirates (July 2024).