May 2012 June


(21 / 03-20 / 04) ››› Good luck stones: diamond (brilliant), ruby. Talisman: Golden Fleece.

In May, to quickly achieve your goal, your ability to build relationships with people based on sensitivity and attention to their problems will be most useful. Show interest in communicating with those who are able to share the information you need. In June, you will have to spend most of the time talking. Routine work cannot be avoided either - papers, documents, numbers await you.

Taurus / TAURUS

(21/04-21/05) ››› Good luck stones: heavenly stones - turquoise, sapphire. Talisman: owl, golden calf.

The home atmosphere in May will be filled with kindness and love. For everyday housework you will forget about other problems. At the office you will help a young employee who needs your professional support. Due to the high probability of an accident, do not plan any trips in June. Devote this time to finding a new source of your optimism and energy in life.


(22 / 05-21 / 06) ››› Good luck stones: agate, chrysoprase, beryl. Talisman: snake, mask.

May promises to be a good time to relax, reflect on the past and meditate. Success will accompany creative personalities. Sometimes your character can negatively affect the attitude of friends or relatives to you. Your peacefulness and good mood will help smooth out the impression. In June, business people should not conclude dubious agreements and secret transactions - any intrigue can turn against them.


(22/06-22/07) ››› Good luck stones: moonstone, emerald, pearls. Talisman: silver heart - gives craving for perfection.

In May, you will have more than enough strength, skills and opportunities to overcome any obstacles and to overcome any path, you just need to go forward and not stop. Show more determination. June will be good for learning new things, studying sciences or your personality, as well as self-improvement. This period of time is very favorable for improving relations with superiors.


(23 / 07-23 / 08) ››› Good luck stones: amber, chrysolite, olivine, topaz. Talisman: eagle, lion, ladybug.

In May, use the disposition of your superiors to advance your material interests. In business, focus on what you can implement quickly and immediately present. If you hone your skills in something, do it secretly and do not share your achievements. You have to meet old friends in June. Watch what you say so as not to get into an uncomfortable position.


(24 / 08-23 / 09) ››› Good luck stones: jade and carnelian. Talisman: grasshopper, artificial flowers. Good news awaits you in May. Your rich imagination will help you improve your living conditions and decorate your interior. You can establish good relationships with children. In June, you will face a choice in your personal life. Only sincere feelings will be important. In addition, you can get a certain amount of money.


(24 / 09-23 / 10) ››› Good luck stones: opal and lapis lazuli. Talisman: book, letter, paper.

The main task for you in May is not to miss your chance, to believe in your strength and to strive for your goal. This is the time for active creative work. Success is expected among people of art, scientists, students and schoolchildren. Your positions in professional activity will be stronger and more stable than ever in June. For useful information, you will turn to books.


(24 / 10-22 / 11) ››› Luck stones: aquamarine, coral, pomegranate. Talisman: bug, scorpion.

In May, you will need restraint in emotional terms and the ability to follow established norms and traditions. This is a time of searching for the meaning of life, awareness of its origins and knowledge of wisdom. In June, you will receive a worthy reward for your work done earlier. You may be promoted, or you may receive a new position. Business meetings are foreseen.


(23 / 11-21 / 12) ››› Good luck stones: amethyst, topaz, chrysolite. Talisman: horseshoe, salamander.

In May, expect guests. If you are a mediator or lawyer, you will have success in business. Be careful what you say, your position in the team depends on it. In June, personal life stabilizes. This is a very successful period for marriage and love relationships. You will be lucky to relive emotions experienced earlier.


(22/12 20/01) ››› Good luck stones: ruby, onyx and malachite. Talisman: black cat, imp.

In May, secret manifestations of likes and dislikes, intrigues, and attempts to use you for personal gain are possible. Maybe you make a timely decision to part with someone. Start the fight against bad habits. In June, you take a long walk through unfamiliar places. Do not lend money to men. Pay attention to home improvement. Beware of poor-quality food.


(21/01 18/02) ››› Good luck stones: garnet and zircon. Talisman: the key.

By restraining your emotions, you will be forced to abandon many of the planned plans in May. This period promises a good rest. It will be a time of calm thoughts about the past, assessments of committed acts, meditation and the acquisition of new energy. In June, a favorable time will come for creative natures, people passionate about art.


(19/02 20/03) ››› Good luck stones: pearls and amethyst. Talisman: nodules, monogram, daffodil.

In May, you decide to try your abilities in an unfamiliar business or at a new job. Be careful to weigh the pros and cons. Meet people. In June, undertakings dedicated to common cultural events and projects will be successful, and appearances before the audience will be successful. Your personal qualities, intellect and experience will be appreciated by others who will bow before you.

Watch the video: CCPTV-Episode for May 2012-June 2012 (July 2024).