"I am Russian, and my last name is As-Sakalib!"

Today I want to tell you about one very unusual meeting with a "compatriot". I hope that this story will not only be an entertaining post for you, but will also encourage you to read a story in which there are much more intricacies than in Game of Thrones.

Over the past few months, I have let go of my beard. No, I did not hope to merge with the local population, it was just interesting to look at myself with a beard.

One local Arab who works with us really liked my new image. He began to claim that I was very much like his friend. I would not pay much attention to his conclusions if he did not try to emphasize that his friend, a citizen of the UAE, is somehow connected with Russia, Ukraine and the Slavic peoples in general (here I strained all my convolutions, but I could not clearly understand as a native of these countries could become a citizen of the UAE).

And one beautiful sunny day this Arab runs up to me.

- Let's go, let's go soon! My friend arrived there, meet you!

I will tell you honestly that I am not a fan of such unexpected acquaintances. But what to do, I could not get out - I had to go.

- Here, meet my friend - Ali As-Sakalib.

Ali came up to me. He did not pull on the bearer of Slavic blood. Low, strong physique, with a huge curly beard. From the first, and from the second glance, it could be said that his family came to the UAE from North Africa, but not from the Central Russian Upland area. But he was just happy to see me. I got the feeling that I got into an Indian film and met my lost brother. Naturally, we sat down to drink coffee. Ali turned out to be a very smart and well-read person. He knew a lot about Russia and the history of Slavic peoples. And finally, Ali explained to me how he relates to our region.

Clan As Sakalib mainly lives in North Africa. This genus is the descendants of the Slavs, who were captured by pirates in their raids and taken to slave markets in Africa. Some of the Slavs managed to get freedom. They united in a community and remained to live in the sands of the Arab world. Gradually, this clan grew and grew stronger. Many natives of this clan became famous in the Arab world as navigators and warriors. And one, in general, became a pirate who kept the Mediterranean in fear and captured several cities (here is such a Jack Sparrow).

Ali's family moved to the UAE somewhere in the middle of the last century. Here they conducted trade, and after the creation of the UAE, they were granted citizenship. Now, as in old Slavic tales: "They live and live, but they make good."

So guys, take an interest in the story of your family. And then it suddenly turns out that you are a descendant of one of the Emirate sheikhs, and you sit and do not know.

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Watch the video: Real Life Trick Shots. Dude Perfect (July 2024).