Why do I need a second passport?

Second citizenship is one of the most popular and discussed topics for expats. Who can apply for a second passport? How long does the procedure take and what documents need to be collected? Finally, what doors does a second citizenship open for you and your children?

We addressed all these frequently asked questions to the Business Emirates expert Giselle Liliane Bru, Chief Operating Officer of PassPro, the second leading citizenship consulting firm.

Who needs a second passport and why?

First of all, for entrepreneurs whose success in business depends on mobility, and those who understand that time is money. The second passport opens the door to the world of visa-free travel.

If you have a second passport, and you need to urgently fly to a meeting, for example, to Europe, you get a ticket and fly to your destination on the same day. You do not need to wait for a visa at the embassy for weeks.

Second citizenship is a way to save time and nerves, a way to gain access to the convenience of life, freedom and new opportunities.

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Watch the video: Scary reminder why every entrepreneur needs a second passport (May 2024).