The play "History of the Zoo", Dubai, UAE

The play "History of the Zoo" will be shown in Dubai this weekend.

Location:Dubai The Yard, Alserkal Avenue
Organizer: The junction
Phone:+971 4 338 8525
  • Entrance tickets 60 - 75 dirhams
  • On the organizer's website
    Time spending:20.00
    The date of the:April 25, 2019 - April 27, 2019

    The play The Zoo Story, directed by Chandni Warm and screenwriter Edward Albee, will be shown in The Yard space of the Alserkal Avenue art quarter from April 25 to 27. The plot is based on a conversation of two men in Central Park in New York.

    One of them has an excellent job, a family and a house with pets, the other has two empty photo frames, a safe with stones, a bookshelf and very few clothes. Two sides of the same life of a big city will make viewers think about a lot.

    Watch the video: The Play (July 2024).