Religious holidays

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims observe strict rules: from sunrise to sunset, refrain from eating, smoking, dancing, love pleasures and other pleasures, fully devoting themselves to prayers.

Adherents of other religions should respect the religious feelings of Muslims - it is necessary to refrain from drinking, eating, smoking (and noisy entertainment) in public places. It is advisable to wear closed clothing in soft colors.

During Ramadan, as a sign of respect for tourists of other religious denominations, restaurants and bars at hotels operate where non-Muslims can eat, drink, smoke and in the daytime.

The monthly fast ends with a three-day holiday of conversation - Aid Al Fitr. At this time, festivities take place, it is customary to visit relatives, give gifts to each other and make donations.

Note: after the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, the mini-festival EID in Dubai takes place in Dubai for a week.

Eid Al Adha is one of the most important Muslim holidays. According to legend, the prophet Ibrahim, in order to prove his devotion to Heaven, decided to sacrifice his son Ismail. Almighty revealed to the prophet instead of the son of a lamb. Since then, at that time, a pet was sacrificed as a sign that the believer is ready to say goodbye to everything in the name of Allah.

Laylat al-Qadr - (The Night of Predestination) is celebrated 10 days before the end of Ramadan. One of these nights, as the legend says, the first revelations of the Holy Quran were sent down to the Prophet Muhammad. And Muslims praying that night believe that changes in their fate will come for the better. The holiday is not official and is not celebrated in any special way.

Lailat Al Israa Wa Al Miraj is also not an official holiday. It is dedicated to the vision of the Prophet Muhammad, who appeared before Allah and saw Paradise in all its charms.

Myaulid Al Nabi is celebrated as the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.

Since Al Sana'a is the Islamic New Year. It is celebrated on the first day of the month of Muharram. According to legend, on this day the Prophet Muhammad went from Mecca to Medina, which marked the beginning of the Islamic reckoning.

There are no exact dates for these holidays - the Islamic chronology follows the lunar calendar, and the annual shift in the dates of the beginning of Muslim holidays is 11 days.

Watch the video: The Update - 30 Religious Holidays in 60 Seconds (July 2024).